



Saturday morning the blue sky except occasional break from the thick clouds. Occurred in pots veranda "Oxalis" becomes good momentum lot, you are bloom yellow pretty flowers. 
Lunch to ENGAWA. Not at all customers, regardless of the lunch time on Saturday. With price increases to 900 yen from this week where I heard the clerk, customer traffic is it had ceased.

Such that it advocates the organic lunch until a little while ago, was the rice ten grain rice is rice wheat has only entered a little unawares, teriyaki salmon today unpalatable seen gone stiff, of customer it was pointed out that just does not come from satisfaction fell.
By the way, this lunch is ¥ 1000 called ENGAWA Gozen.

After finishing the work, and shopping for meat to Ginza Hanamasa for the first time in a long time. Chinese tourists coming doing lined with tourist bus is sitting to pass the time in front of the shop as usual.
It is a rise of 20% or more in substantial but it has been changed to tax in three pieces and meat pork loin you are buying but always 109 yen/100g, and was a 98 yen previously. Purchase meat tonight about 6kg in total! (hide)

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我が家のトイレの壁には、昭和51年編集・平成4年修正の、もう20年も前に(財)日本地図センターから発行された「関東地方主部・1/25万 立体地勢図」という全紙サイズの立体地図がかけてあり、毎朝じっくりと眺めます。

I like in a daze, it is the look at the map without thinking anything.
On the wall of the toilet of our house, was issued from the (ZAI) NipponMapCenter of modified four years editing Heisei 1976, 20 years ago again with the "Kanto region, the main portion 1/25 ten thousand three-dimensional topography" three-dimensional map of Zenshi size over. Yes, I watched carefully every morning.

I'm not tired of looking face and a variety of animal monkey, lion, until the frog, the human face, the face of the witch has emerged from all over the map there may be referred to the three-dimensional when looking intently. It is the same frogs has come popping out anything pigs to have seen the jitter the milestone of cedar plate.
There is a place like this is why it takes 2 hours from the morning, until it exits the house finished the grooming and diet. (hide)

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料理講習会「Enjoy Kitchens」へのお誘い!

Enjoy Kitchensでは自分で作る調味料レシピの料理講習会を開きます。
10月5日(日) 1030分から~14時30分
会場:株式会社 デコピック キッチンデザインスクエアのイベント
住所:渋谷区千駄ヶ谷4311 ニューベリー千駄ヶ谷1F

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The blue sky had spread among the morning, the sky of autumn does not last long thick clouds spread from the early afternoon.
Heavy drinking last night left a little, lunch is often plenty of ramen soup and Chinese cabbage "KAMUKURA".
I feel that winter is approaching in strong wind drizzle from the evening.
Routine can be getting on and off as well as Chofu ~ Shibuya between from September, even in Shinjuku commuter pass Keio called "Doccimo" since it has been in the new release, on a regular it is printed with "Shinjuku boarding possible" because it was switching time just has been changed. 5,400 yen additional cost is applied to the six months regularly in that two sections first regular ticket to Shinjuku. This season ticket's so convenient because there is quite getting on and off up to Shinjuku. (hide)

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